A fund is a pool of money that is allocated for a specific purpose. The purposes for establishing a fund can vary greatly.

There are a number of types of fund structures available depending on the jurisdiction of the funds. Recent announcements from the Singaporean government have led to the establishment of Variable Capital Companies (“VCCs”) under the guidance of ACRA, IRAS & MAS. In Singapore, FMCs have the option of using the VCC as a fund vehicle over the Limited Partnership and Private Limited structures.

Another possible structure is the European-domiciled funds- the ICAV. It can be established as a standalone project or an umbrella project, and it can also be open-ended. A manager of an ICAV fund can choose to forego an AGM and produce audited accounts at the sub-fund level.

Bluebox Global works closely with the right partners to identify the right fit, manage the entire set-up process, Variable Capital Company and streamline the process in order to simplify the process. The fund setup can be managed by us since we can assist in obtaining regulatory approvals and communicating with the authorities.

With an experienced team that can assist you with every aspect of your set up, we serve as a one-stop shop managing your needs and simplifying otherwise tedious processes.

Our Fund

Setup Services Include

As an investment fund service provider, we aim to provide all the services our clients need at a fair price and with a high level of professionalism. No matter what your needs are – whether you intend to simplify and optimize your portfolio management strategies for your clients or you want more visibility on your investments and wish to launch your own fund – we are happy to assist you.

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  • Advice and guidance on choosing the right legal form for the fund and its jurisdiction.
  • Establish the fund entity and prepare a prospectus, a business plan, and a manual for operations.
  • Make sure tax exemptions and legal agreements are filed with other service providers, such as lawyers and accountants.
  • Fund and management company licensing support.

How Bluebox can help

Our teams collaborate extensively with each client to develop a thorough grasp of their fund’s and investors’ requirements. Whenever possible, we try to understand the individual needs of each fund before designing an administrative solution that fits its exact criteria exactly.


empower your business to thrive in the dynamic Singaporean market

At Bluebox Company, we understand the critical importance of tax compliance for your business’s success and sustainability. Partner with Bluebox Company for reliable, proactive, and client-centric tax compliance services that empower your business to thrive in the dynamic Singaporean market.

Our comprehensive suite of tax compliance services is designed to ensure that your company meets all regulatory obligations while minimizing risks and maximizing efficiency. Here’s what we offer:

Custody Services

Custody services involve the safekeeping and administration of financial assets on behalf of institutional investors such as mutual funds, pension funds, and hedge funds. Financial agencies act as custodians, holding and safeguarding securities and other assets, processing transactions, and providing reporting services. They ensure compliance with regulations, manage corporate actions such as dividends and stock splits, and may offer additional services like securities lending.

Fund Administration

Fund administration services encompass a range of activities aimed at supporting the operation and management of investment funds. This includes accounting, valuation, and reporting services for the fund and its investors. Fund administrators handle tasks such as calculating net asset value (NAV), preparing financial statements, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. They also assist with investor servicing, processing subscriptions and redemptions, and maintaining investor records.

Transfer Agency Services

Transfer agency services involve managing the registration and transfer of investor ownership in mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and other investment vehicles. Financial agencies act as transfer agents, maintaining shareholder records, processing transactions such as purchases and sales of fund shares, and distributing dividends and other income to investors. They handle investor inquiries, facilitate account transfers, and ensure accurate record-keeping to support regulatory compliance and investor transparency.

Client Chronicles

Celebrating Partnerships and Successes

What is Form C-S Lite and How to File Corporate Taxes in Singapore

What is Form C-S Lite and How to File Corporate Taxes in Singapore

Corporate tax filing can be a tedious and complicated process for small businesses in Singapore. With so many different forms and requirements, it can be challenging to know which forms to fill out and when to submit them. However, one form that small businesses in Singapore should be aware of is Form C-S Lite. In this article, we will explain what Form C-S Lite is and how small businesses in Singapore can file their corporate taxes using it. What is Form C-S Lite? Form C-S Lite is a simplified version of the Corporate Income Tax Return (Form C) in Singapore.


Illuminating Perspectives for Success

A fund is a pool of money that is allocated for a specific purpose. The purposes for establishing a fund can vary greatly.

There are a number of types of fund structures available depending on the jurisdiction of the funds. Recent announcements from the Singaporean government have led to the establishment of Variable Capital Companies (“VCCs”) under the guidance of ACRA, IRAS & MAS. In Singapore, FMCs have the option of using the VCC as a fund vehicle over the Limited Partnership and Private Limited structures.

Another possible structure is the European-domiciled funds- the ICAV. It can be established as a standalone project or an umbrella project, and it can also be open-ended. A manager of an ICAV fund can choose to forego an AGM and produce audited accounts at the sub-fund level.

Bluebox Global works closely with the right partners to identify the right fit, manage the entire set-up process, Variable Capital Company and streamline the process in order to simplify the process. The fund setup can be managed by us since we can assist in obtaining regulatory approvals and communicating with the authorities.

With an experienced team that can assist you with every aspect of your set up, we serve as a one-stop shop managing your needs and simplifying otherwise tedious processes.

Our Services

  • Advice and guidance on choosing the right legal form for the fund and its jurisdiction.
  • Make sure tax exemptions and legal agreements are filed with other service providers, such as lawyers and accountants.
  • Fund and management company licensing support.
  • Establish the fund entity and prepare a prospectus, a business plan, and a manual for operations.

As an investment fund service provider, we aim to provide all the services our clients need at a fair price and with a high level of professionalism. No matter what your needs are – whether you intend to simplify and optimize your portfolio management strategies for your clients or you want more visibility on your investments and wish to launch your own fund – we are happy to assist you.

How Bluebox can help you?

Our team will help you to determine more accurately your company’s risks and exposures–as well as to manage your tax disputes, audits, and examinations all over the globe.

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